Permanent teeth are meant to last throughout your life, but there are times when it becomes necessary to extract or remove a tooth for various reasons. If you have a tooth that is badly damaged by trauma, it may be better to remove the tooth and use an alternative form of restoration to repair the damage. This is particularly true if the root of the tooth is damaged. In such cases, the tooth may give you problems for the rest of your life, even if it can be saved.
Some people simply have too many teeth in their mouths to comfortably fit. In these cases, the teeth crowd against each other and become misaligned. This can lead to a variety of dental problems. In some cases, removing a single tooth can help correct this issue. Emergency Tooth Extractions West Chester are performed to eliminate pain caused by cracking or rotting teeth.
There are cases where a filling or root canal simply cannot address the degree of decay in a tooth. In such cases, it may be better to remove the tooth altogether and use another form of restoration to address the issue.
If you and your dentist decide you need a tooth extraction, the process will be painless and simple. Your dentist will numb your mouth with an injection of local anesthetic to remove a single tooth; in cases in which several teeth are to be extracted, you may receive a stronger anesthetic that will allow you to sleep through the procedure.
What happens next depends on the condition of the tooth to be removed. If there is an impaction, or an area of infection, the dentist may cut away gum and bone tissue to reduce the risk of spreading the bacteria. The tooth will then be removed with forceps or cut into pieces for easier removal.
After the extraction, you should relax for the rest of the day and take care of the site of the incision. When you are in a better state of mind, you can talk to your expert dentist about how to go about replacing the missing tooth.
So, find painless Tooth Extractions West Chester Pa and take care of your dental health.